Friday, November 20, 2009

Giving Thanks

..... even as I'm experiencing a lot of other emotions, most of them unbloggable. Maybe later....

In the meantime, I hold on to this:

1. I am putting together a booklet of Faith stories from people in the congregation. We have received 11 so far, and I am so impressed by them. They are so beautiful, and tell of big and small journeys, through adversity, sickness, and grief. There are small and large moments shared, but each voice is real. I am so thankful for these stories.

2. I am thankful for the woman who I don't even know who wrote to me about knitting left-handed. She has Alzheimers and has just had knee replacement surgery, but she took the time to answer my email and reassure me that I could do it.

3. I am thankful for my husband, who encourages me when I get discouraged. I'm thankful for his faith -- I think he has faith in me, which is amazing.

4. I am thankful for enough for good food, for good books, for poetry, for my family. I'm thankful for my parents, how from my mother I am learning what it means to love one another and not give up.

5. I am thankful for tears when they are necessary, how they can be such a relief, and how they can mean so many things. I'm thankful for laughter too.


Sally said...

tears can be a gift, great post.

Lindy said...

Yes... It takes the laughter and the tears, doesn't it? Not always so bad, the tears. Cry when you can. God knows there's reason enough.

Rev SS said...

sorry things are rough right now. Holding you in prayer.

Hot Cup Lutheran said...

oh... prayers for you... that things such as they might be will settle somehow...

Terri said...

((Diane)) hugs to you...during this time. I'm grateful to know you....

Jan said...

Hugs for you. Sorry that I don't know anything about knitting.